Birth Information

In the State of Maine, when the birth of a child occurs, the birth certificate is filed in the municipal clerk’s office in the town where the birth happened, as well as in the municipal clerk’s office of the town of residence where the mother was living at the time of the child’s birth. For example, if a child was born at a hospital in Portland, and the mother was living in the Town of Oxford at the time of the child’s birth, a copy of the birth certificate would be filed with the City of Portland and with the Town of Oxford. Certified copies of the certificate can be purchased from the Clerk’s Office in either municipality.In addition, duplicate copies of all birth records are filed with the State of Maine Office of Vital Records, a division of the Department of Human Services.To order a certified, legal copy of a birth certificate,  application for a Certified Copy of a Birth Record are available at the Town Clerk’s Office or printable here.

  1. Walk-in request with payment by cash, check or credit card.
  2. Written request through the mail with payment by check or credit card. Please enclose a copy of your photo ID and a long, self-addressed, STAMPED envelope with your request.